By Ann Longmore-Etheridge
She was born circa 1833 in Wolfsville and died November 5, 1882, in Anderson, Indiana. She married John Henry Kuhn on 10 November, 1855 -- the son of Wolfsville residents John Kuhn and Susan Schroyer.
A love letter from her suitor to Hannah -- who was in Benevolah, Washington County at the time -- still exists: "Aprile 25th 1855 ... John. H. Kuhn; His Love To Miz Hannah. C. Pryor; By these fiew lines I informe you that I am well at this time; And hoping that these fiew lines will finde you in the same state of helth; yet me an you are almost strangers; yet I will state to you that if we are almost strangers yet it is not said that we can not get acquainted if so your wish ma Be; And if my adreses are welcome to you Plese your honour I will heartiley Receive your answer to these Questions. As fare ase I know your friends [in Wolfsville] are all well at this time. As the Evening is short I will close these fiew lines And if to this question you will agree; Plese my Dear Miz and sende me an answer to Wolfsville Frederick County Maryland; Yours With Respect, John. H. Kuhn.'
Photo courtesy Melody Hull.
She was born circa 1833 in Wolfsville and died November 5, 1882, in Anderson, Indiana. She married John Henry Kuhn on 10 November, 1855 -- the son of Wolfsville residents John Kuhn and Susan Schroyer.
A love letter from her suitor to Hannah -- who was in Benevolah, Washington County at the time -- still exists: "Aprile 25th 1855 ... John. H. Kuhn; His Love To Miz Hannah. C. Pryor; By these fiew lines I informe you that I am well at this time; And hoping that these fiew lines will finde you in the same state of helth; yet me an you are almost strangers; yet I will state to you that if we are almost strangers yet it is not said that we can not get acquainted if so your wish ma Be; And if my adreses are welcome to you Plese your honour I will heartiley Receive your answer to these Questions. As fare ase I know your friends [in Wolfsville] are all well at this time. As the Evening is short I will close these fiew lines And if to this question you will agree; Plese my Dear Miz and sende me an answer to Wolfsville Frederick County Maryland; Yours With Respect, John. H. Kuhn.'
Photo courtesy Melody Hull.